Warm Up:
Face pulls 20x
Reverse Hypers 10x
GHR situps 10x
Log Press
205 5x5 Strict
Single Arm Dumbbell Press
60lbs 3x10-12 slow and controlled
Barbell JM Press with Fat Gripz
115lbs 3x12-15
Rope tricep pushdowns 5x20
Giant Set:
Face Pulls 120lbs 10x
Shrug Raises 45’s 10x
Axle Upright rows 95lbs 10x
4 rounds
My left arm is definitely lagging in strength due to A) it simply being my left arm. B) That’s the arm my bicep ruptured. I need to add more single arm work to play catch up. Possibly the reason I’m having shoulder pain in that arm.