Warm Up
Face Pulls 20x
GHR Sit ups 15x
Rope triceps 20x
Log Clean and 2 presses
255 8x2 EMOM - Dead - ugh lol
Barbell Incline
225 10x/6x/3x - After log, this felt heavy!
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
60’s 20x/18x/12x
Band Flys
EZ Curls
75lbs 2x10
The Log training took it out of me for the rest of the workout. Logan woke up and wouldn’t stop crying so my bicep work got cut short. Kinda… He’s getting heavy so it worked out lol. Also, forgive the Gold’s shirt. But in my defense, this shirt is from the Mecca, Venice Beach Gold’s, so I’m still good.