Warm Up:
Reverse Hypers 20x
Dumbbell RDLs 20x
Cable Standing Abs 10x
Repeat 3x
135 2x5
225 3x
275 3x
315 1x
365 1x
405 2x
455 3x2
275 2x15
Pendlay Rows
185 3x8-10
Parallel Lat Pulls
240 Stone 8x3 EMOM
Dumbbell Curls- lots of reps with 45’s and 30’s ???
Deads felt really good. Could have gone heavier but there’s not an immediate reason to. Right now is more or less a time to rebuild my lower back strength from a series of injuries from the past couple years and a time to practice technique. Stone felt good as well. Will be getting a 300 pounder soon with a slightly larger diameter. Staying injury free is my number 1 priority these days.
